About going Open-Source
Why should you work for free? This talk is about one of the best decisions in my life... Starting to get into Open-Source. You will get a gentle introduction on what makes Open-Source so satisfying and the ways you can use to get started with Open-Source. Whether you're already a full grown developer or just starting out, this talk will probably give you some ideas and the motivation to really become passionate. To close this off, you will get a little impression on how important an Open-Source portfolio is to your career and I'll give some neat hints to get your projects to the next level. So join me and start Your journey!
Tags: Business & Start-Ups
Scheduled on wednesday 17:10 in room lecture
Passionate learner and developer. Studying computer science at the Media University. Looking forward to working with ingenious teams on challenging projects.
I will start of talking about why "working for free" became an important part of the developer culture all around the world and talk about why companies should try to share as many tools as possible. I'll give some examples of tools that were open sourced and got immense traction leading to the projects growing with an intense speed. I'll try to take away the "fear" of open sourcing tools that cost ten of thousands of dollars to create. Then I'll describe how my journey with open source looks like and start talking about how you can get your feet into contributing to known projects. After that I will close off with some hints on doing and contributing to open source projects that worked out great for me. They will also get an impression on what opportunities will show up if they put some of their time into doing OS.
The audience can be mixed, but it's way more interesting for people that are either new to programming or have never worked with open source.
In a perfect world, some of the listeners would leave the presentation with the motivation and hard goal to start with OS as soon as possible.